Ken, a 56 year old prominent businessman and aspiring politician came to Dr. Beers for a new smile.
His chief concerns were short, dark front teeth and a 30 year old porcelain fused to metal crown on tooth #9 (upper front tooth left of center). He was interested in a political career and felt a better smile would be needed.
The minimum treatment for an ideal smile design in this case was to the upper 8 front teeth (#5-#12) and the lower 8 front teeth (21-28).
This would involve seeing the periodontist for bony elongation of these regions to raise the bone and gum tissue needed to create the golden proportion of an ideal smile.
Ken ultimately chose to replace all of his dark crowns and posterior amalgam fillings too.
His restored using veneers for teeth #5, #7, #10 on the upper anteriors and #20, #21, #22, #23, #24 and #25 on the lower. Crowns were placed on #6, #8, #9, #11 with a small composite filling on #10 to finish his upper teeth and crowns on #26, #27, #28, #29, #30 and #31 for his lowers.
Ken reports being very pleased with care he received from Dr. Beers and he loves his new smile.