Administrative Assistant
Dr. Beers has named Paul his chief information officer, this is due to the fact that Paul can act as Google without the typing or Siri with a more snarky answer. Paul is the guy that helps you understand the investment you will make in keeping your teeth healthy. He also gives the insurance companies a hard time if they don’t pay their fair share.
Paul also serves as pastor of First Baptist Church of Magdalena and records a podcast that mixes the two things you should never talk about in polite company, religion and politics. He served 5 years in the US Air Force working on the avionics system of the F-16 just because he likes odd numbers.
If you need help getting financing for your dentistry, if you need help understanding your dentistry or if you need help finding out what your dental insurance might pay on your dentistry on the only blue moon this decade, ask Paul. Oh, and he isn’t so bad at using Photoshop either.