Susan came to us wanting a youthful and healthy looking smile.
After waxing up her upper and lower anterior teeth, Dr. Beers recommended porcelain veneers to restore her smile. Once she eagerly agreed to Dr. Beers’ treatment plan, Susan enjoyed a day at the dental office where she had her upper anterior teeth #5-#12, all of the upper teeth visible in her smile, restored with veneers.
While she was more than pleased with the results, Susan choose to wait awhile for her lower anterior teeth. The same process was used for her lower front teeth #20-#29 and she has been overjoyed with her new smile!
A smile makeover such as this one will not only give a natural youthful look to the teeth but when the height of the teeth have been reduced by attrition and wear the look of the face is changed by the reduced distance between the upper and lower jaw. So when correctly combined with posterior restorations the result can be an instant face lift without surgery!
Well-placed porcelain restorations by an experienced professional will behave similar to natural tooth structure and can last many years!
Call (575)835-3662 or email appointments@drbeers.com to schedule your smile makeover.